7 Things Gamer’s Hate To Hear

“Dinner’s READY!”

4 min readFeb 26, 2021
Photo by Fredrick Tendong on Unsplash

If you are a gamer this is something most likely you can relate to. At some point in time, someone is sure to have said one of these things to you or even all of them. It doesn't matter if you are young or old if someone says this to you it’s impossible not to feel annoyed.

1.Videogames are for kids

Every gamer has that one family member that eventually says “Aren’t you a bit too old to play videogames?”, it's so annoying to hear because it's not true.

The videogame industry is one of the largest in the world catering to many different age ranges, yes there are videogames for kids, but not all are for kids, good luck explaining that to your strange uncle.

2.It’s such a waste of money

This is a statement that objectively speaking is not true, yes, some people spend ludicrous amounts of money on certain games, but that's the exception, not the rule.

I would argue depending on the game it's actually money well spent, some games will give you countless hours of entertainment for less than 10$, I’d call that value, not a waste.

3.You need to get out more

We gamers have heard this countless times from parents and friends, go out into the world, socialize more, it's just so annoying.

A lot of people don't understand that gamers do socialize a lot in general.

It’s a common thing to play games with your friends nowadays while speaking over voice chat, it might not be in the physical presence of someone but isn't that socializing anyway?

Plus you are most likely interacting with people that have the same interests as you, so you actually have something to talk about. It's kinda hard to approach someone in a bar and start a conversation with “So, here to drink away the sorrows of climbing solo queue in League of Legends?”.

4.Don't you get bored of playing the same game every day?

No, I don't.

Look, don't say this to a gamer, don't insult the effort someone is putting into getting better at one particular game or simply enjoying the content a game has to offer, some games are competitive, and some are just fun to play.

It’s incredibly annoying to hear this especially when the person saying it usually does something you consider boring every day, like reading online, pfft, who does that.

5.Can’t you just pause the game?

Oh yeah, you always hear this one right in the middle of a ranked League of Legends game or any other competitive game for sure.

Having to explain you can’t pause an online game is a pain we all feel at some point in time, it's one that can generate a lot of frustration at the moment, if you are focused on playing something like a ranked match, the last thing you want is to be interrupted, let alone hear those magic words.

So here is a tip for anyone who doesn’t understand gaming and wants to avoid having problems with this.

Instead of asking if you can pause the game, ask “Is the game ranked?” if the answer is yes, leave them alone and come back later if it’s no, go ahead and nag them for whatever it is you need them to.

6.It’s such a waste of time


This is probably one of the worse ones. It’s really infuriating to have someone completely devalue how you choose to spend your time.

How can someone say gaming is a waste of time, then spend 10 hours sitting on a boat doing nothing trying to catch a single fish! Yes uncle I'm talking to you!

As Libran John Lennon noted, “Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.”

I completely agree with this quote, if you enjoy wasting time on something then it's not wasted, even if that something is fishing.

7.Dinner’s Ready!!!!

I can still vividly remember when I was younger my mom yelling at me “Dinner’s ready!” always when I was in the middle of doing a dungeon in World of Warcraft. She just had perfect timing when it came to finishing dinner while I was doing something I couldn't pause.

I'm sure this happens to a lot of young people these days and just like me at the time, they will hate to hear it and be super annoyed.

But I can promise you this, later on, it will just be a fond memory, one you think about at 2 am while playing when you realize you forgot to make dinner.




Written by Iampif

Hardcore Gamer, Writer, Manga lover, all-around positive person ^^

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